Our adult ministries program offers a variety of opportunities for fellowship, learning, discussion, and prayer together.
On Sunday mornings we have Adult Forum, which is like Sunday School, but for grown-ups! As well as other weekly groups. Don’t be shy, join us!
The Wired Word
Sundays at 11:00 am in the Asbury Room
Take a look at current events from a scriptural perspective. Relevant articles/reference materials are emailed the Thursday prior to each Sunday meeting. Email Judy Hinderliter to get connected.
Women’s Bible Study with Dianne Walter
Wednesdays, 9:30 am-11:30 am in the Asbury classroom
Women’s Bible Study looks at Adam Hamilton’s Forgiveness: Finding Peace Through Letting Go. They meet Wednesdays in the Asbury room from 9:30–11:30AM, each week beginning with prayer followed by study. Would you like to be on the WBS mailing list? Email Dianne Walter. All are welcome- Invite your friends!
The Wisdom Jesus Book Discussion
Mondays, 1 pm-2 pm on Zoom
A new view of Jesus as a Buddha-like wisdom teacher who taught the transformation of consciousness—includes traditional meditative practices you can do yourself
If you put aside what you think you know about Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something remarkable happens: Jesus emerges as a teacher of the transformation of consciousness.
The Wisdom Jesus provides a new perspective on Christ and an expansive interpretation of His message. Cynthia Bourgeault creates a masterful guide to Jesus’s vision and the traditional contemplative practices you can use to experience the heart of his teachings for yourself.
Spiritual Feasting – with Pastor Alison
Sundays, 11:15am in the Library
Join us for a rich conversation sparked by devotions aimed at feeding the heart of a disciple. The purpose of Spiritual Feasting is to connect our faith and lived experience with our growth as Jesus followers, encouraging and equipping us to be world-transforming disciples. Holy Communion will be served.
Yoga Devotions with Kelly Quinn
Saturdays, 10:00am, Fellowship Hall
Incorporate more movement in your life! Invite a friend. All fitness levels are welcome. Options always offered to suit individual needs, with a devotion each session. Our gatherings begin with a focus on our breath, centering ourselves in the presence of God and setting aside all that distracts us from the relationship God intends for us.
Lift Us Up
Sundays, 11:00am, Red Room
If your world has been turned upside-down by cancer, please gather with us Sundays, in the senior high classroom (north end of the building) for “Lift Us Up.” This support group for cancer patients will be a safe space in which we can share our experiences of living with this disease. Fellow patient Nancy Lajoie will guide the group: she has been trained through the Peer Mentor Program at the Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes.
Find up-to-date details on meetings on our church calendar.
Have more questions? Reach out to Karen Veaner, Adult Ministries Coordinator.