The Wisdom Jesus Book Discussion
ZoomMondays, 1-2pm on Zoom - All are welcome! A new view of Jesus as a Buddha-like wisdom teacher who taught the transformation of consciousness—includes traditional meditative practices you can do yourself If you put aside what you think you know about Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something remarkable happens: […]
Walk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind & spirit. Begin your day with a devotion, a prayer and a walk outdoors in God’s beautiful creation. All ages and abilities are welcome! Furry […]
Needleworkers Group
Library (south wing)Stewardship Committee Meeting
Join Zoom meeting:
Church Council (in lieu of 1/7/2025 meeting)
Library (south wing)This meeting is a rescheduling of the previously arranged 1/7/2025 meeting. The church council shall provide for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. It shall also provide for the administration of its organization and temporal life. It shall envision, plan, implement, and annually evaluate the mission […]
Women’s Bible Study
Asbury Room (north wing)Explore the stories of the female leads of our biblical heritage with the companion book Women of the Bible by Darlene Saunders. Each week we will begin by supporting one another in prayer together, focusing on our joys and concerns, and then dive into study. All are welcome; please consider inviting a friend! To request a book or be added to […]
Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryAnyone from high school age on up is invited to sing with the choir! We rehearse in the Sanctuary every Wednesday at 7:00 pm and we provide an anthem each week for the Sunday worship service. For more information, please contact the choir director
Staff-Parish Relations Committee Meeting
Library (south wing)SPRC meets on the third Thursday of each month. Committee members only, please.
Walk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind & spirit. Begin your day with a devotion, a prayer and a walk outdoors in God’s beautiful creation. All ages and abilities are welcome! Furry […]
Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryBeyond the Pews “Bruncheon”
Fellowship HallJesus shared meals to build relationship with others throughout his ministry. Come to the table for this church-wide “bruncheon.” It’s an opportunity to go Beyond the Pews–to really get to know those folks we see in church each week. All are invited. Please bring a dish to share and consider bringing a friend!
Lift Us Up
Classroom: Red (south wing)Cancer patients share a bond, whether cured, in remission, recently diagnosed, or in treatment now. If your world has been turned upside-down by cancer, please gather with us Sundays, in the red classroom at 11AM for "Lift Us Up." This support group will be a safe space in which we can share our experiences of […]
The Wisdom Jesus Book Discussion
ZoomMondays, 1-2pm on Zoom - All are welcome! A new view of Jesus as a Buddha-like wisdom teacher who taught the transformation of consciousness—includes traditional meditative practices you can do yourself If you put aside what you think you know about Jesus and approach the Gospels as though for the first time, something remarkable happens: […]
Walk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind & spirit. Begin your day with a devotion, a prayer and a walk outdoors in God’s beautiful creation. All ages and abilities are welcome! Furry […]
Needleworkers Group
Library (south wing)Worship Committee Meeting
Zoom +1 moreHybrid Zoom & onsite meeting to plan future worship events.
Women’s Bible Study
Asbury Room (north wing)Explore the stories of the female leads of our biblical heritage with the companion book Women of the Bible by Darlene Saunders. Each week we will begin by supporting one another in prayer together, focusing on our joys and concerns, and then dive into study. All are welcome; please consider inviting a friend! To request a book or be added to […]
Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryAnyone from high school age on up is invited to sing with the choir! We rehearse in the Sanctuary every Wednesday at 7:00 pm and we provide an anthem each week for the Sunday worship service. For more information, please contact the choir director
Dozen Divas Investment Club
Asbury Room (north wing)Community group using church building.
Walk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind & spirit. Begin your day with a devotion, a prayer and a walk outdoors in God’s beautiful creation. All ages and abilities are welcome! Furry […]
Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryThe Wired Word
Asbury Room (north wing)The Wired Word is a nondenominational online program that links current events in the news with what the Bible has to say about the topic. Each week a summary of the event plus questions to guide discussion are emailed to participants. Bible verses from both the Old and New Testament offer biblical insight and again […]
PreK-2nd Grade Sunday School
Classroom: Orange (south wing)Sunday School begins at 11:00 AM every Sunday. Meet in the orange classroom! Email Debbie Geise if you have questions or haven’t registered yet.
Junior High SOUP
Fellowship Hall & North ClassroomsOur youth have chosen the name SOUP for their combined Sunday School-Youth GrOUP gatherings this year. Like the many ingredients that make up soup, they will be bringing their diverse talents together to put the Bible into action through local and global outreach. In addition to planning, preparing for, and executing outreach missions, there will be contemporary worship music and instrument time […]