Event Setup
Fellowship HallUCNS Preschool Winter Family Potluck Dinner
Fellowship HallEvent Cleanup
Fellowship HallWalk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind […]
Yoga Devotions
Asbury Room (north wing)Incorporate more movement in your life! Invite a friend. All fitness levels are welcome. Options are always offered to suit individual needs, with a devotion each session. Our gatherings begin with […]
Meals for Code Blue Sheltering Individuals
KitchenPeople experiencing homelessness in Tompkins county are being housed in the Key Bank building in Ithaca since the closure of the only shelter in town. The Dept. of Social Services […]
Scout Sunday Rehearsal and Sound Check
SanctuaryChoir Rehearsal
SanctuaryWorship: Scout Sunday
Sanctuary, YouTubeWorship in person in the Sanctuary every Sunday at 9:30 am. Traveling? Sick? Overslept? Worship online on YouTube.
Coffee Fellowship
Fellowship HallAfter worship, we will join in the Fellowship Hall for a time of coffee, and conversation! Helping prepare the coffee and snacks is a way of serving others in the […]
Beyond the Pews “Bruncheon” & Souper Bowl of Caring Party
Fellowship HallWhile millions of people are tuning in to the Super Bowl, we will be tuning in to the needs of those in our community who are food insecure. We will […]
Youth Pancakes and Prayer
Fellowship Hall, Kitchen7th–12th graders are invited to start each school week with a yummy, homemade pancake breakfast, and share their joys and challenges in prayer together. Youth Pancakes & Prayer meets at 7AM in […]
The Wisdom Jesus Book Discussion
ZoomMondays, 1-2pm on Zoom - All are welcome! A new view of Jesus as a Buddha-like wisdom teacher who taught the transformation of consciousness—includes traditional meditative practices you can do […]
Walk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind […]
All-Staff Meeting
Asbury Room (north wing)Needleworkers Group
Library (south wing)Stewardship Committee Meeting
Join Zoom meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83921629497?pwd=cDdTZ2Q1eStVUm1od2ZvVXlNOTg5QT09
Women’s Bible Study
Asbury Room (north wing)Explore the stories of the female leads of our biblical heritage with the companion book Women of the Bible by Darlene Saunders. Each week we will begin by supporting one another in prayer together, focusing on […]
Setup: Bells Angels Rehearsal
Narthex 32 Brickyard Rd., Lansing, NY, United StatesBells Angels Rehearsal
Narthex 32 Brickyard Rd., Lansing, NY, United StatesThe Bells Angels rehearse in the church, every Wednesday! Interested in joining us? Please contact Bells Angels director Sharon Powell spowell333789@gmail.com
Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryAnyone from high school age on up is invited to sing with the choir! We rehearse in the Sanctuary every Wednesday at 7:00 pm and we provide an anthem each […]
Trustees Meeting
Library (south wing)Pinochle Party
Fellowship HallAn afternoon of cards and fellowship! No skills necessary--we'll go over the rules for the day/version we are playing for all before we start.
Walk with Me: Body, Mind & Spirit
Myers Park, Pavilion D“An early morning walk is a blessing for the whole day.” - Henry David Thoreau Nurture your connection to God and each other as you build a healthy body, mind […]
Choir Rehearsal
SanctuaryCoffee Fellowship
Fellowship HallAfter worship, we will join in the Fellowship Hall for a time of coffee, and conversation! Helping prepare the coffee and snacks is a way of serving others in the […]