What do I wear? You’ll fit right in at Lansing United whether you’re wearing jeans, a dress, or a suit and tie. Sneakers are just as appropriate as dress shoes. God loves you just the way you are, and so do we.
Who is welcome? Everyone! Lansing United is intergenerational. Children and adults worship together. Children are always welcome in worship. During the school year, a nursery is available for our youngest. Busy bags with coloring sheets for children are available near the Sanctuary entrance. Worship includes singing, praying, greeting one another, a time when elementary school children come forward for a children’s lesson, hearing scripture read and interpreted in a sermon, singing songs, and responding to God’s love through our commitment to serving God and others.
How does the nursery work? Our nursery is open to minister to families with children who are not yet enrolled in kindergarten. Nursery hours are from 9:15 to the end of the worship service. Parents may sign in their children at the Nursery, Room 108, prior to the start of worship, and the children will be brought into the sanctuary for Children’s Time. Children of all ages are always welcome in the sanctuary to take part in worship with their families. For the safety of our youngest, we ask families to honor the age limit of children brought to the nursery. Parents are welcome to accompany older children who may need a break to Room 111, the “orange room”, at the end of the hall near the nursery where storybooks and some toys are available.
How do I join a service? We offer worship services every Sunday at 9:30 am in our Sanctuary (32 Brickyard Road, Lansing, New York 14850), and online. Lansing United’s worship lasts about 75 minutes.
Where do I park? There’s plenty of parking in the church lot. In the summer, when we worship at Myers Park, tell the park gate attendant that you’re attending worship and the $5 park entrance fee will be waived. Worship in the park starts at 9:30 am on Sundays.

Discover God’s grace together.
What happens after worship? After worship, we share refreshments and conversation in the Fellowship Hall. Caring for one another by sharing what is going on in each other’s lives is an important part of our commitment to “be the church” to one another!
When are Sunday School and Adult Forum? Classes for children and adults happen Sundays from 11 am-12 pm. during the school year. Anyone can join a class at any time! (For current Adult Forum offerings, click here.)
Come worship God with us!
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